

Franklin College Switzerland

Lausanne, Geneva, and the Alps

Fall 2010 Academic Travel

The following posts are by the students who traveled to French-speaking Switzerland in fall 2010. The posts are not in chronological order, but should give our friends and families an idea of what we have been thinking about and working on during our travels.

Special thanks to Jennifer Byram, Ian Ritchey, and Alithea Tashey for the photos and to James Jasper for all his work putting much of this blog together.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Unreal. I have seen snow in the mountains, but this from a distance. Before our day in Neuchâtel, snow had always avoided me. Since I am from Northern California, I knew that I would need to seek out this weather for myself. And so, in French-speaking Switzerland, I half-expected something to happen, and it did.

At first, however, it was half-hearted to match my expectations: it was just a frozen slush form of rain. As the wind picked up, we all disappeared into our coats, and I, into some slight disenchantment. This wasn't the real way it happens.

And then we came out of Le Corbusier house--overlooking the valley below, the rooftops, trees and pathways were ice-swept. Scraped off cars, snow was thrown as I hardly kept my balance on the glassy cobblestones. There were small flurries of snow coming down, coating our hair, our jackets, and any other attempts to keep warm; although this was no dramatic show of snow, it was then something beautiful and exhilarating, and that was enough.

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