

Franklin College Switzerland

Lausanne, Geneva, and the Alps

Fall 2010 Academic Travel

The following posts are by the students who traveled to French-speaking Switzerland in fall 2010. The posts are not in chronological order, but should give our friends and families an idea of what we have been thinking about and working on during our travels.

Special thanks to Jennifer Byram, Ian Ritchey, and Alithea Tashey for the photos and to James Jasper for all his work putting much of this blog together.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anne Deriaz

We first met Anne Deriaz the day we arrived in Saint-Luc when she was kind enough to invite us over for some hot tea and home-made biscuits. How could you say no to that? It was only about ten minutes of walking out in the crisp, clean air and we all started freezing! So getting invited for tea was the highlight of our day.

We approached a small, wooden chatlet overlooking the mountains with Tibetan flags hung around the perimeter. As we entered the chatlet, a small old woman appeared around the corner with a smile on her face greeting and welcoming everyone into her home. I remember when we all sat down and got cozy, Anne Deriaz exclaimed, "So this is how a writer lives!" And let me tell you it really was. Residing in a small chatket with no noises or distractions and looking out to a sun setting down on the snow-capped mountains, this indeed was a perfect homelife for a writer. Looking around I noticed pictures of people that she has met during her trips such as the Dalai Lama that were hung up on the walls. I was quite blown away.

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