

Franklin College Switzerland

Lausanne, Geneva, and the Alps

Fall 2010 Academic Travel

The following posts are by the students who traveled to French-speaking Switzerland in fall 2010. The posts are not in chronological order, but should give our friends and families an idea of what we have been thinking about and working on during our travels.

Special thanks to Jennifer Byram, Ian Ritchey, and Alithea Tashey for the photos and to James Jasper for all his work putting much of this blog together.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Friday, October 15: we were sent on a scavenger hunt throughout Lausanne. Mira, Hillary, Ben and Sachint and I were in a group (Code names: McLovin, whut?, Cap’n Awesome, Pay-oh, and TheSweetness). This was the perfect occasion to get to know a small group of people better, while at the same time, exploring a totally new town. In this scavenger hunt, we needed to identify train timetables, ask about contemporary Swiss writers’ works at the Payot bookstore, investigate the St. François church, learn about photographers of the Elysée Museum, find a hidden cemetery in the beautiful Olympic gardens, learn about the Thai pavilion, and find postcards while following the lake path to the town of Ouchy, among other things.

I gave Hillary ample opportunity to practice her French, which was very effective in getting us where we needed to go. The directions we got, however, were not. We got directions from a Spanish taxi driver, a German tourist, and a businessman who did not know about the parks and cemeteries within the Olympic Museum Gardens. In order to get back to the designated meeting spot on time, our group was not able to finish the entire scavenger hunt (that, and because some of the questions were difficult!). Our group came in last, but being last was the last thing on our tired minds, since we had so much fun.

After that, our first priority was food, so it was a good thing that there was a kebab stand in the city center. That was one of the best kebabs I’ve ever tasted, dripping with the aroma of success. All in all, this hunt was an adventure, and a fantastic way to get to know Lausanne. That day was one of the most exciting and inspiring. I don’t think I’m the only one who will be coming back to Lausanne very soon.

--Ashley Fils-Aimé

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